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Brand New Healing Meditation on Self-Forgiveness

  • ***This will be available online only*** (map)
Self Forgiveness.jpg

***This will be available online only***

Forgiveness is a huge challenge for many people. For whatever life circumstances they have experienced they are unable to forgive themselves or forgive others.  Sometimes, we do not forgive because our ego and pride are too big. Either way, both can blind us from the truth. Negative emotions such as unworthiness, non-deserving, self-punishment, and guilt add to the cycle of unforgiveness. They can also feel angry with themselves or feel that others are not worthy or deserving of our forgiveness. 

One of the last words of Jesus Christ while on the Cross: “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” If He Who is Almighty forgave us. Who are you not to forgive? (contemplate). What power or right do you have over humanity that you cannot forgive? 

Our vital organs are known to hold many negative emotions. These emotions can be with us from conception. They are passed down from mom and dad to your birth and into your present age. At any age, these negative emotions can awaken upon supply and demand. 


If at any time you are in a situation where you can react, feelings that have been asleep, all of sudden awaken, like anger, frustration (vital organ, liver) worry and anxiety (vital organ, stomach).

The Process:

With Gods Divine permission and Blessings and all the help of my Spirit Guides, you will undergo a process of your vital organs being drained of all your negative energies and emotions, including traumas and shocks at the age of cause. After this intense process all your vital organs will be Blessed with God’s unconditional love. The Magnetic flow of energy will circulate through your vital organs. This beautiful healing will continue to balance you as we go through these challenging moments in our present time of consciousness. This healing meditation will keep all of us, free from the negative consciousness that is dominating the planet now. A sense of freedom and peacefulness will be felt throughout your whole being. 

God bless us all. We miss everyone! We will be doing some new meditations and zoom talks to stay in touch. Amen

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