Angels' Corner Store
Please call the office for all purchases at (562) 696-9544. Thank you.
When worn on or around your person this specially prepared and blessed pouch of herbs repels negative energies, keeping you more protected in your daily life
This is not just any ordinary white cotton cloth. They are blessed and prepared by Victor personally to give you the peace of mind. It’s used as an instrument to quiet the mind, to free yourself from constantly thinking. It will also help you sleep better, protect your crown chakra, open your heart and help manifest your goals and dreams. It can be worn at anytime, day or evening.
This book is recommended to bring more healing on the emotional and mental level. It's a great reference book to refer to the cause of physical manifestation. It gives you the affirmations as to how to heal the thoughts that we carry in our physical body. In the workshops, you will be taught how to use this book to bring more healing to your clients.
Este libro se recomienda traer más la curación en el nivel emocional y mental. Es un gran libro de referencia para referirse a la causa de la manifestación física.
Le da las afirmaciones sobre la forma de curar a los pensamientos que llevamos en nuestro cuerpo físico. En los talleres, se le enseñará cómo usar este libro para atraer más la curación a sus clientes.
Rosewater is used to spray on the face and around the body to lift burdens or heavy thoughts. In the workshops you will learn how and when to use this water effectively. This water can be used as a skin freshener or to assist you in achieving more fulfilling meditations.
These bands are specifically made for protection and blessed by Victor. They are blessed to protect you fromnegativite energy. These are sacred instruments and shall used with respect. All bands are made at the center.
This book will have an enormous amount of information to improve your health internally as well as externally. Learn Hippocrates' healing secrets, the father of medicine in 400 B.C.. He treated his patients with natural, apple cider vinegar for it's powerfull healing, cleansing, natural antibiotic, antiseptic qualities and much more. This book is a must read book for better health!
This book is a continuation of superb information to provide a longer and healthier lifestyle.
Our Blessed Candles are prepared and ready to use for the healing of your choice. It is imperative that the healing you are asking God for be done with integrity. (Remember freedom of choice is God’s gift to humanity; don’t interfere with this gift) To learn how these Candles can be used properly, workshops/classes are provided.
Our charcoal lights instantly and burns evenly. They are best used on a burner and are sold individually or in packages. We find them to be the best on the market.
Specially prepared and Blessed by Victor Barron, this healing tool works to cleanse and heal your mind as you sleep. Uses include:
- To quiet your mind
- To reduce overthinking
- To have a good night's sleep
- Non-deserving
- Self-imposed limitations
- Shame
- Unworthiness
- Need to control / arrogance
- Sorrow
Throughout his many years of healing, Victor has found that frankincense is the purest incense for clearing away negative energies around us. It’s a crystallized resin that is burned on charcoal. When burning this incense properly it will cleanse your surroundings.
This specialized oil takes months/years of preparation. The blessed oil is used to anoint a person and sacred instruments. (1oz.)
These Mexican-made bags are great for keeping your healing belts and tools safe.
This mixture has been prepared spiritually to offer you God’s Protection from viruses that are being spread intentionally or in case of the outbreak of a virus.