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New Healing Meditation: Experience Joy and Happiness through your Eyes

  • ***This will be available online only*** (map)
Heart Eye.jpg

***This will be available online only***

If you can not see Joy and Happiness with your physical eyes you may be experiencing emotional, physical and mental hidden blocks.

For example:
Darkness, Pride, Revenge, Hurt and Pain, Fear, judgment, Unforgiving are just a few to mention. Our eyes see everything, with our eyes we sin.

God The Father did not allow Mother Mary to see the bad or the negative. Mother Mary could only see the good in everyone, that was a gift and a Blessing from God.

When God healed the blind man in the temple and the priest of the temple approach Jesus and said only God can give sight this man was never blind and the blind man looked up to Jesus and Jesus smile. Jesus then turned around and said to the priest you have eyes so your sin remains he was blind and has no sin.

And yes we all have eyes to see and are blind to the truth. This is why this healing meditation is so important removing the negative blocks from our eyes will and in some cases give us better physical vision. Our emotional and physical levels can also benefit allowing us to let go and be free of hurt and pain.
• See something beautiful in everyone
• Begin with the most obvious things around you for example a flower, look at the children,look at nature etc.
• This will help you change your perspective on how you see things.
• Now you have a choice remember you made the wrong decision the first time, now you can choose again this is a blessing from God.

Fee $35