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Healing Meditation: Energy Field And Soul Protection

  • ***This will be available online only*** (map)
purple flame diamomd.jpg

***Available Online only***

Now is the time that we need the most protection in many different levels. God has given me a way to change and alter our energy fields vibration while increasing our beloved chakras magnetic flow and simultaneously activating the Soul Atonement all at once.

  1. This is a very different and intense Energy Field vibration.

  2. You will be raised to an ultra state of consciousness within your energy field.

  3. In this state of consciousness you can be protected.

  4. It is known throughout history that certain color vibrations can achieve many health benefits. The Spiritual level will also benefit.

  5. We know that ultraviolet light can kill viruses, germs and bacteria. This is lab tested technology.

  6. In this healing meditation you can experience a very high level of Physical and Spiritual protection.

  7. A state of Joy and Happiness is also experienced while feeling protected.

  8. This type of protection and awareness is needed at this time.

Three different healings are needed to create this high level of protection. With God’s Divine Grace, Permission and Blessing. Amen!

Fee $35.-