Spiritual Healing Tools for Healers
There are several different healing tools that you will be able to use to help heal people and clear spaces. Each tool has a special spiritual purpose. Special training and anointments from Victor are required to use each one to the Highest Level.
New Students will be given their own Spiritual Tools and will be blessed to use them.
Day 1
Blessed Frankincense
Sacred Cutting Stone
Blessed Scissors
Blessed Jailbreaker
Introduction to SI Joint Closure
Day 2
Sacred Firestick
Healing to Remove Dominant Persona from a Client
Healing for Raising the Client´s Persona
Day 3 and 4
An extensive 3-day Hands-on Training where you will be guided through the process needed to effectively remove “Earthbound Spirits”. Earthbound Spirits (Leeches) are human beings who are in spirit form and who desire to experience the negative human tendencies by attaching themselves to a host body in our physical plane.
Day 5
Leech Removal Practice on actual clients coming in for a Healing
Cost of class: $1,495 via cash/check/Zelle $1,595 via credit card