Embrace Yourself & Meet Your Guardian Angel
The Guardian Angel Workshop is designed for everyone. In this beautiful healing process you will experience a deep connection, a gift from God, your Angel. Through a series of healing meditations and burning ceremonies, you will release negative emotions, self-sabotaging, self-denial, and limitations you have put on yourself. Once the purification process has ended, the interactive exercises will reinforce your trust and communication with your BelovedGuardian Angel.
Spiritual Hygiene
This workshop is designed for everyone no matter their healing modality (therapist, medical doctors, social workers, psychiatrist, spiritual healers, etc.) Everyone is susceptible to healer burnout. It is a foundation needed for all spiritual healing work. It will give you the knowledge, awareness and the tools to prevent absorption of negative energies that causes exhaustion and draining of the physical body resulting in healer burnout. You will learn simple and effective practices to protect yourself, your clients and ensure that your workspace is spiritually clean. As an added bonus, you will receive an introduction on how to use various healing tools (examples: cutting stone, grounding rocks, belts, frankincense and more).
Shamanic Candle Healing
This simple, yet intensive, one-day candle workshop will assist everyone during these challenging times. You will learn a special prayer that will invoke God’s blessing before completing the candle preparation. Various colored candles will be used in combination for such things as: protection against negativity, spirit attachments, breaking spells, and healing for yourself and others to bring emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing to your and their lives.
There are several different healing tools that you will be able to use to help heal people and clear spaces. Each tool has a special spiritual purpose. Special training and anointments from Victor are required to use each one to the Highest Level.
Protect Yourself from Negative Forces
In this workshop you will receive an intensive healing. After the healing, your energy field will increase seventy five to hundred times greater. This energy field will now protect you from negative forces and many emotional imbalances that you encounter in your daily life. Once you have learned to increase your energy field, you will experience total balance within all consciousness. Your new connection to your soul will give you a natural high and the oneness with God. This workshop is for everyone including children.
Spirit Removal
This is an extensive 3days of hands-on training where you will be guided through the process needed to effectively remove “Earthbound Spirits”. Earthbound Spirits (Leeches) are human beings who are in spirit form and who desire to experience the negative human tendencies by attaching themselves to a host body in our physical plane.
Prior to entering into this class, you must have taken the "Spiritual Hygiene" class.
Sacred Firestick
The Firestick Workshop is offered as an alternative healing modality. It’s a benefit for those with the passion and the calling for the Firestick and will be taking the Spirit Removal Workshop. You will receive the blessing from God, the permission from Whirling Wind and the knowledge on how to work with the Sacred Firestick. With one sweep around the energy field you can remove disease, negative energies and it can assist you in removing spells and witchcraft.
Shamanic Traditional Healing
This is an intensive 2-day workshop is designed to teach you three indigenous spiritual healings (Traditional, Emotional and Good LuckHealings). You will learn how to work with nature and use raw natural materials to assist in these powerful healings. Layers of unwanted issues and emotional blocks will be lifted on all levels including the cellular memory. As you experience these powerful healings for yourself, you will have the knowledge and option to give these shamanic healings to others.
Shamanic Relationship Healing
This workshop will assist in the process of removing all bad negative energies around your persona. Once cleanse, you will feel very attractive and have this natural high about yourself. It will soften your appearance allowing your natural magnetism to reveal your true inner beauty. If you are in a relationship, it only gets better. If you are not, you become more attractive to your soul mate.
2 Days of Training: Magnetic Grid Correction, Spiritual Clearing and Blessing of Home and Business
This is a shamanic approach to spiritually cleanse and remove dirty, stagnant energy from your home or business. In this workshop you will learn how to restore health and peace within the home, increase a magnetic pull and draw in more this positive flow of energy. You will also learn how to decipher the differences between negative energies and distortions commonly found everywhere and learn how to correct them. There will be hands on training as you will be taken to properties (business or homes) to help you sharpen your own intuitive gifts.
After taking this class, you will not need to spend thousands of dollars to spiritually correct the energy flow of your property. People have spent thousands, hundreds of dollars to have their businesses and homes to be perfectly aligned with other modalities.
Spirit of Nature
Ancient herbs from mother earth are used in this healing with an invitation to the spirit of nature. Because you’re using forces of nature and Gods blessings, this healing of nature comes to completion with GREAT magnitude to remove and destroy negative energies and spirits from your home and family and to bring these blessings and healing to other families. This shamanic “Spirit of Nature” workshop is one that needs to be experienced firsthand. Words cannot describe the intensity or true value of this knowledge.
A few photographs of Victor's Workshops
Grounding Yourself Workshop
Does everything stick to you? Learn to meditate correctly, learn to cut cords, avoid feeling spacey and open 24 hours, connect and ground yourself to reality.
Centering and coming home to God healing course
This healing course gives you the opportunity to release many negative human tendencies, while helping you grow into higher consciousness and centering yourself back to God.
Respect God, Yourself and Nature healing course
In this workshop you will learn that everything has a Divine Spirit that we are interrelated and when you are out of balance you no longer respect yourself, God and nature. You will also receive several healings, from Mother Nature, your soul and from your physical heart.
Bloodline healing
The bloodline healing workshop is to cut from you many physical, emotional, and spiritual problems that can pass down to you from your ancestors in which you carry in the form of unwanted negative human tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body, mind and spirit. A day of healing which will change your life forever.
Spirit of Poor Money Healing
Spirit of Poor money is a must-do workshop for everyone who wants to manifest financial prosperity.
A process of cleansing and healing yourself of unworthiness and non-deserving issues
Knowing how to ask God for your treasure
It is a Divine right and blessing to have plenty and more than enough
Clearing all past life issues that are blocking your prosperity in the present and in the future
The Magic of Crystals Workshop
This crystal workshop will give you the wisdom, understanding and the skills to work with crystals without causing harm to yourself or others.
4th Dimensional Healing
This workshop is an introduction to multi-dimensional healing work. It gives you hands on knowledge and practical exercises for short and long distance healings. Many people can feel the healing taking place on different levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. These results are in many cases miraculous. The healing work is very effective and safe for both healer and client.
Victor goes to great lengths to prepare all the spiritual healing tools that are needed to do high-frequency work
Intermediate Healings
When you complete Shaman “Whirling Wind” Spirit Removal course and have the healing foundation, you can be taught the IntermediateHealings shared in this Workshop. Shaman Whirling Wind has been given an extensive knowledge on many single spiritual healings. This knowledge can help humanity in many levels to promote wellness and wellbeing.
Advanced Healings
When you complete “Whirling Winds” pre-requisite Spirit Removal and Intermediate Healings course and have the healing foundation, you can be taught the AdvancedHealings. Shaman Whirling Wind has been given an extensive knowledge on many single spiritual healings. This knowledge can help humanity in many levels to promote wellness and wellbeing.
New Contract of Life Healing
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to let go of your existing contract of life. Victor will ask for God’s guidance to remove the old energy in regards to your negative blocks, weaknesses, behaviors, patterns, etc. This is followed by the sacred burning ceremony at which time you are given the chance to offer God your old contract. Once you are clean and clear of the old contract, we can begin to infuse the new contract of your new Life, with the strength to receive and put into practice all your new positive dreams, wishes and desires with God’s blessings.
Women’s Value
In this workshop you will be re-introduced to your many positive virtues and strengths. You will remember, accept and understand that you are the greatest creation that God created. You are the giver of life and mother to humanity. The female energy must hold on to their dignity and self respect in order to be honored, feel great and to have everything they wish in life. This workshop consist of receiving healing in regards to negative human tendencies and weaknesses such as non-deserving, unworthiness, victimhood and resentment. At the end of this workshop, you will experience a feeling of freedom.
Knowing & Working with Your Spiritual Guides
This workshop gives you awareness and knowledge about spirit guides in a very simple way. It answers many questions for you. Why are there spirit guides? Who can have a spirit guide? What do I have to do to have a spirit guide? These questions and many more will be answered in the workshop. You will learn the difference between an earthbound spirit and a spirit guide of high frequency in God’s consciousness. Is your information coming through a spirit guide, your own intuition or a negative spirit?
Shamanic Bowl of Life Healing
Victor’s spirit guides have taught him to use simple, natural ingredients with profound results for emergency situations (i.e. heart attack, head injuries, burns and operations of all types, etc.) In this shamanic workshop, you will learn three ways to do these healings. These healings can be done for yourself, family members or clients. It works great as a long distance healing.
Hands on Healing
This workshop awakens your healing abilities for those new to healing work. For those practicing healing work, it will increase your effectiveness. All healers will work on the energy body and not the physical body. You will learn step by step techniques on how to feel healing energy in your hands and physical body. You will also learn long distance healings. There will be hands-on training on how to relieve minor discomforts such as headaches, cramps, toothaches, armor leg pain just to mention a few.